SAN Tribuvar 1000
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Why use Tribuvar?
Tribuvar contains a high Tribulus Terrestris (45% Furostanol saponins) extract. Tribulus Terrestris is a perennial plant, which grows predominately in India and Africa. Tribulus Terrestris is known to contain pharmacological active metabolites like phytosterols, flavonoids and glycosides.
Tribulus has been widely used as a natural resource for its sexual health-support properties.* According to very recent clinical medical research, some of the active sterols in the Tribulus Terrestris plant are purported to promote natural testosterone levels by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) production.* LH regulates testosterone production through the stimulation of the leydig cells and high levels of LH coincide with free or unboundtestosterone levels.*
With the increase of the body's natural endogenous & unbound testosterone levels, athletes now supplement with Tribuvarto promote protein synthesis by maintaining a positive nitrogen balance. Tribuvar also stimulates faster recuperation and recovery from exercise.
For years, some of the world’s most renowned athletes of the Soviet Union supplemented with Tribuvar extensively with success. It's natural and good safety profile makes Tribuvar the number one sought after dietary supplement with no contraindications such as toxicity and side.
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